“…I Need Somethin’…”


“…I Need Somethin’…”

Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace…

Just call me the indentured servant of the house.

Everyone around here is beckoning me for something almost non-stop. I almost forget I need stuff there are so many requests hurdled my way.

But my little guy…

He’s three and he’s VERY good at it—

He’s mad and frustrated because he can’t get something to work. (Things that are a scientific impossibility most times). “Mommy! Fix dis!”

He asks for help with everything; then he refuses my willing hands once I arrive on the scene. “No, Mommy. You no help.”

He’s whining constantly because…well, because he can. (Imagine the worst sound ever coming out of one of the cutest things ever…Epic contradiction of terms!)

But his phrase of the month is “Mommy, I need somethin’.”

Yeah buddy, Don’t. We. All?

The funny thing is that he says “Mommy, I need somethin’” and then half the time, he doesn’t even know what he wants. So I ask him, “What do you need, Buddy?”

His reply—“I need somethin’…”

Greatest Need=SomeONE, Not SomeTHING

We are like puzzles with the last piece missing, and God desires to complete us.

Everything we are and have comes from Him. God meets our every need—every need. Sometimes we reduce that down to stuff:

Air in our lungs and a heartbeat…

Food, Shelter, Clothes…

A measure of health for ourselves and loved ones…

Money and Status…

Love in our friendships, family and other relationships…

If all of these are met, we start feeling pretty good about things. So good in fact, that we often miss the giver of all these gifts we are not owed. And if we attempt to do life with no thought of Him, we will completely miss the point.


Our Greatest Need Eternally Met IN HIM

One of our biggest problems is that we know we “need somethin’,”so we ask continually for something when all the while, we really need someOne.

Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church has a lengthy intro establishing Christ as the basis for everything, and it has more meat in it than some 3 point sermons I have heard.

But as I studied it, there were some words that stuck out at me. Within the first half of the passage he repeatedly uses the phrase, “In Him.”

The first occurrence is in verse 7:

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace”(emphasis added)

Then we see it again in verse 10:

“…to unite all things in him…”

And verse 11:

In him we have obtained an inheritance…”

And finally verse 13:

In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.”

Paul doesn’t discuss whether or not their refrigerators are stocked or if people are coming faithfully to bible study. He shoots right for the heart of his mission—the apex of all needs we have before God—our need for redemption.

We need forgiveness for sin.

We need to be united with God.

We need understanding of the word of truth.

We need someone to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Redemption is not obtained through acquiring stuff, but instead comes by the person of Jesus Christ. Here’s a radical thought—if we have THAT, then we truly have all we need.

I wonder if we had that kind of focus how it might change what we ask for? Or what comfort it is knowing that even if we don’t receive all the “somethin’s” we request, that Christ fulfilled our greatest need?

It’s true–just like my little guy, we all need something. And the something we need most was fulfilled by a special Someone.

If we have been changed by the gospel and our faith is squarely upon the work of Jesus, we have EVERYTHING, and I do mean everything, that we will need from here until eternity.

Let’s step out into our moments having confidence in all that Christ accomplished on our behalf! IN HIM we are signed, “SEALED” and delivered “to the praise of His glory!”

You might see me Linking Up with these lovelies:

Testimony Tuesday with Holly

#RaRaLinkup with Kelly http://purposefulfaith.com/

Woman 2 Woman with Meredith

Three Word Wednesday with Kristin http://www.kristinhilltaylor.com/

#TellHisStory with Jennifer Dukes Lee http://jenniferdukeslee.com/

#LiveFreeThurdsay with Suzanne Eller, http://tsuzanneeller.com/

Coffee for Your Heart with Holly

http://arabahjoy.com/ — Grace and Truth

#DancewithJesusLinkup, http://www.susanbmead.com/blog-2/

Fellowship Fridays, http://equippinggodlywomen.com/fellowship-friday/featuring-faith-love-chocolate/

10 thoughts on ““…I Need Somethin’…”

  1. Loved your truth. It’s so easy to forget in this life full of stuff that He is our sufficiency. We get caught up pursuing discontent instead of just resting in Him. Your words were a great reminder to keep the main thing the main thing!


  2. So, this is settling on my spirit… He’s sufficient for everything we need… the part about not knowing how to even say what we need? My chronic D does this… removes the specifics and leaves me void of decisions or even how to pray. But I can trust Him to fill in all the blanks with Himself.
    *relieved sigh* 😉
    Another awesome post, Christy… visiting this time from #livefreeThursday! Thanks, gurl!


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