Why “I QUIT!” Trying to Build a Platform-5 Reasons to Be Exact…

15511_20293_5 Creation Swap SmallLifeCommunity Group, Joshua

Why “I QUIT” Trying to Build a Platform…5 Reasons, to Be Exact


Mark 16:15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”


You Can’t Fire Me. I QUIT.


And really, I have only just started.

Recently, I expanded from a toe dip in the pool of social media to a knee-deep wade. I fell in love with a fledgling magazine, and I got Instagram and Twitter accounts to help promote them. So, I blame them for my new-found dilemma…only partially, okay-not really.

But anyway, I figured, hey why not? Lots of people promote their blog writing and whatever else out there, and it’s a great outlet for sharing gospel truth. Why not me too?

I’ll tell ya why not.

I CAN’T handle it.

When I made the switch to a mindset of “Building a Platform” instead of simply “Building Up” someone else, something turned ugly in me. Ugly like, ginormous-bucket-of-black-paint-dumped-on-sparkling-beautiful-white-bride kind of ugly. The comparison and competition twins showed up on my doorstep. It really wasn’t pretty.


You Can Run and Tell THAT, Homeboy


So, here’s the deal. I am a believer in Jesus first, and I am a writer, second.  I am passionate about sharing Jesus, and I am passionate about writing and speaking truth. I LOVE any opportunity I can share Jesus and truth… BUT, I am not without corruption.

Psst-here’s a little secret I want to tell you, and no one else… I am sometimes jealous of other writers or speakers with a captive audience.

There.  I said it. But honestly, jealousy over building a platform to share Jesus is “…so DUMB…really dumb. For Real,” as American Philosopher, Antoine Dodson once said.

I want others to love Jesus and my writing as much as I do.  I want the words I write succeed for Him. And even though I want more opportunities to “proclaim the gospel to the whole creation”, I WON’T pursue them with tainted motives.


Devour Those Ugly Thoughts Before They Devour YOU

How do we know if the little HUGE envy beast is welling up within us? He’s subtle and may slip in without warning. The only way to keep him from sneaking up on us is to always be listening to ourselves. We need to stand watch at the gates of our minds. We must bring every thought into captivity. Once I noticed these thoughts cropping up in my heart, I decided platform building isn’t for me.

The first thought I caught myself having was–

  1. She STOLE MY idea!!! (If you think it’s you, it probably isn’t. And no worries, I beat that nasty thought down!)

I came across an article that was almost the same as one I was working on. (Not really-just the same subject)  My reaction was pretty snooty. Oh. MY. Goodness!!!!  Is this actually ME???  Why, yes it is…I am a sinful mess.

Conclusion to bad thought #1: There is nothing new under the sun. People are writing on similar subjects every day. God can actually use HER article too! And for the record, she didn’t steal anything.

  1. Why can’t my stuff be as good as hers/his??

In what lifetime do I get to have all of the gifts and talents of everyone else, including the ones I already have?  I can only use what God has given to me. And I should be thankful, not envious.

  1. Why can’t I reach as many people as he/she does??

This girl had several THOUSAND likes on her page.  I have 96.  Pssht.  But I have to ask myself-whose “Like” symbol really matters here on earth when it is all said and done? I can’t and shouldn’t compare myself to the ministry or influence that someone else has.

  1. They “Unliked” me or quit “Following” me. And I don’t “Like” it.   But, ultimately I follow Jesus. Am I trying to draw a following of others so they might follow Him or…me??
  2.  What “Method” can I use to get more interest in my stuff? How do I get an audience? Again, I had to ask myself why do I even want that? I feel like my motives are mostly good, mostly. But I need to clean out the dross so that my pursuit of “Methods” won’t stand in the way of my true “Mission”.


Back to Home Base

I uncovered some sinful attitudes when I began focusing on building an empire of people to listen to me. I didn’t like what I saw. Bottom line? If corruption in my Methods corrupt my Mission-God’s Mission, then they have to go.

But don’t worry-this isn’t a boycott. I’ll still be poking around sharing your pithy comments, parenting blunders or powerful dissertations. The difference is that I have released the imaginary strings in my mind that wish for anyone to reciprocate and help me in return.

And YOU build your platform. I am not trying to make you feel bad if this is what you feel led to do. It is my hope that sharing my struggle will help you from falling into the traps I found myself in.

So, I’m going back to why I started this to begin with-I am focusing on “Building Up”. I still want to build others up with my writing by ministering the truth of God’s Word. I also want to build up others who are on mission with me for the sake of the gospel.

And go ahead, “Like” my pages or “Follow” me. You won’t feed my pride. (much… *wink*)

I am trusting and praying that Jesus will provide doors of utterance as He sees fit in my life-both BIG and small…and smaller. I just want to be faithful with the message of hope He gave to me!


I am on Facebook and Twitter @christylouhoo , find me if you wanna!  lol!

Photo Credit: Creation Swap, Small/Life/Community Group, Joshua Timmer

28 thoughts on “Why “I QUIT!” Trying to Build a Platform-5 Reasons to Be Exact…

  1. I also check my motives with every post- is this to please God or to please others. I can say without hesitation, some of my posts are definitely to please God; because I don’t know where those words came from. Sometimes I know I am just keeping my commitment to write.


  2. Well…I just found you today. Mostly because of the title to your site (NOT social media) ;-).
    Some people do well running many social media outlets. They have set “business hours” where they are chore-free, kid-free, and Jesus is probably leading their ministry to be larger than others. But some of us are meant to stay small. Because to Him even the smallest is the greatest. And the smallest is often not in the large crowd. My small crowd is equally important to Him as another’s large crowd.
    Your encouragement is appreciated.


  3. I really appreciate this post. I have only been blogging a little over a year and I’ve struggled back and forth with whether I should be trying to get more readers, etc. But the bottom line is that I want my writing to encouraging others and point them to Christ. My life is in His hands and He will bring the people who may need to hear my words. It may only be one or maybe no one will respond sometimes. The important thing is that I do what Christ leads me to do and give Him glory. You have reminded me so well of this. Thank you! I’m stopping by from #raralinkup.


    • Thanks, Gayl! It wasn’t easy to admit, but I couldn’t help thinking that others might struggle in this area too. My 10 year old daughter gave me some good advice-she said “Keep writing honest”. Honesty about our struggles ministers and encourages those around us! And you’re right-God WILL send and prosper His word. We need just to be faithful ministers of it! 🙂 I’ll stop over to your place as well!


  4. Seriously?! I loved this. I battle this fly called “platform” that keeps hitting my face. Sometimes I just want to get that darn fly swatter and be done with it. But, the Lord called me to do this Cheerleading Link Up, so that we could all be encouraged. Monday night, I saw so much building up and love going around Twitter that I felt so encouraged. I thought, “This is what it is all about!” I love your post and your writing. Keep going girl! I am a fan!


    • Thanks for your encouragement Kelly and so VERY much for this idea! It really has put legs on my desire to press into the encourager role. I recently added yet another verse to my list of life verses, and it is this: Proverbs 11:25 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. Not that I bless others to be watered, but man have I been blessed by encouraging others!! It’s so fun! 🙂 So, THANK YOU!


    • I am so glad this was helpful to you Ruth! I hope it helps those who see it “cage” the beast that social media can grow in our hearts. No one is safe out there! We MUST be on guard! Glad to join you in the mission to share Jesus! I’ll go check out your site soon! 🙂 Nice to connect with new writers!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for this comment – you are right, social media can grasp its victims to subtly. Really thankful for your truthful message! Thank you – it is just so great to connect with you and read your writing. God bless :)!!


  5. Your blog title totally drew me in. 🙂 I’m visiting from Kelly’s #raralinkup & after reading this post, I am super excited to connect with you. This craziness called social media can be completely overwhelming at times and yet it’s connections like this that God uses in my life to encourage & challenge me. Keep following His lead and saying the junk out loud that the rest of us only think in the way back, secret parts of our brains. Love your writing! I’m another new fan.


    • Thanks for saying that Renee, but all I can really say is “Praise the Lord!” For what do I have that I have not received? I’ll admit, it felt like a risk to write this-and then share it. But I would rather risk a little of my pride for the sake of others. I just want to encourage people (me) to bring everything into the light! Looking forward to connect with you as well! 🙂


  6. I call it – Keeping the “main thing” the “main thing” – .. Love God and love people! Home base as you called it. That will squash any competition that raises up in the heart…
    When it comes to “building” anything in my life… I love this quote “work like it depends on me and pray like it depends on God”
    Be encouraged… Trust Him and He will lead you! 🙂 Blessings


  7. This seems to be a big topic right now. Eliminating the competitive comparison that seems to be out there. I understand where you’re coming from, and agree totally! That said, my blogs are also on some social media. But you know, in the end I chose the ones that I fit me, and mosty just because I know some followers prefer following in that way. So I do it to make it easier for them. But NOT to build a platform or even a following. My blog statistics won’t be engraved on my tombstone. They’re not that important!! Thanks for sharing your heart and encouraging others to perhaps reflect!


    • Hi Sheila,
      I post my blogs in a few places, but the networking thing is where I have to guard my heart. I went through a phase of trying to press and connect with people so they would in turn, share me and my work.
      That was where I had to draw the line. So I still share, but I do it with the main goal of being an encouragement and help to those around me! 😊


  8. Christy My Dear…You made a new standard arise on the inside of me as I read this. I was sharing with Kelly in a comment how years ago I struggled with a spirit of haughtiness. But reading this I recognize some tendencies to compare and compete as I am attempting to do what I know I am called to do. Thank you for the challenge to put and keep my focus in the right place…on HIM!!!


  9. Yes, yes yes yes yes and five more yesses!!! I have also achieved (well mostly) this revelation, Beginning mentoring helped It is not about speaking to a thousand in a room – I want to build one person that needs it. If one person reads something I write then that is the one person God wanted to reach – glad I found you on the #RaRaLinkup I am defintiely cheerleading you and this post 🙂


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